Rose bouquet Lisa + free glass vase
Rose bouquet with eucalyptus
A rose bouquet that is perfect to give. The pastel shades together with the playful nature of the eucalyptus will make for a beautiful display on your table!
Amount of stems | 10 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Timaflor and Ol - Njorowa |
Specials | Free glass vase |
Rose variety | Sweet Revival - Revival - Tacazzi - Sweet Tacazzi - Pink Tacazzi - Dividend - Paloma - Snowstorm |
Putting someone in the limelight? What better way to do it than with a bunch of flowers? This bouquet features different shades of pink, with some pastel tones mixed in! The bouquet also includes branches of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is loved for the beautiful colour of its leaves and the unique shape of a eucalyptus branch.
Our experienced florists designed this bouquet, we add a vase and your gift is complete. Would you still like to add something extra? You can always take a look at our gifts. There you will find a wide choice of chocolates, champagne, wines, stuffed animals and more!