Mixed bouquet white-pink with panicum and eucalyptus
Lovely pink rose bouquet
Surprise someone now with Surprose's beautiful roses or enjoy these loving colours in your home yourself. Also take a look at our 'gifts' to make your shipment even more special!
Amount of stems | 15 |
Stem length | 50 cm |
Origin | Kenya |
Grower | Timaflor |
Rose variety | Athena - Pink Athena - Sweet Revival |
Order now from Surprose this hand-tied bouquet of a romantic mix of the colours white, pink and soft pink. The white rose is of the Athena variety, the pink rose is a Pink Athena rose and the soft pink rose is of the Sweet Revival variety. All these rose varieties come from the grower Timaflor in Kenya, which are always readily available at Surprose. Give this loving bouquet to someone you appreciate, love, or to express your friendship. The stems of these roses are about 50 centimetres long, making this mixed bouquet stand out beautifully in any suitable vase. This bouquet with a pink hue is tied together by our rose specialists with panicum and eucalyptus to form a complete whole. These additional leaves make the bouquet a true eye-catcher in any interior. Give this pink-tinged bouquet as a gift and leave a message with it. Fill in the box 'personal wish text'. The text in this box will appear on the card we attach to the order.