The Hermosa is a pink rose that is also very common as a garden rose. At Surprose you can buy and send this Hermosa rose only as cut flower! This rose has been discovered by Lex+ The Rose Factory, in Ecuador. We get this rose from a grower in Kenya. The sun is also high there and close to the equator, so the roses are still as strong, but the journey to Holland is a lot shorter!
Roses from the grower
The grower where the Hermosa rose comes from has been in existence since 1994 and started with a total of 2 hectares and 2 rose varieties. This has now grown to 21 hectares and 13 different rose varieties are grown. A total of 434 employees in Kenya are now working on these 21 hectares! The growers of Ol Njorowa also consider the environment and its protection very important. They have already planted no less than 4,000 trees on an area of 12 hectares. They are proud to see that the forest is growing and that several birds have already come to the forest! Other rose varieties grown by Ol Njorowa in our range include: the Tacazzi roses, the Paloma roses and the Athena roses.
Order the Hermosa rose
The pink Hermosa rose has a stem length of about 50 cm and a bud size of about 6 cm. Because of the good relationship Surprose has with the grower, we can deliver these Kenyan roses sometimes already the next day. The quality of the Hermosa rose is checked many times. This happens both in Kenya and in the Netherlands. Because the Hermosa is such a strong rose, she is also very popular.
The entire rose has an even pink colour. The outer leaves can sometimes be green, these are the protective rose leaves. These green leaves ensure that the rose within them is not damaged during transport. If you find the outer leaves of the Hermosa disturbing, you can remove them from the rose. You can then gently pull the green leaves downwards. The rest of the rose will not be damaged by this and it will also not be at the expense of the vase life of your rose.
Have you received Hermosa roses at home? Make sure you remove all leaves from the rose that might come into contact with the water. When the leaves get into the water this will be at the expense of the rose and you will not be able to enjoy it as long. It is also important to cut about 2 cm off the stem at a 45 degree angle. Use a sharp knife or rose scissors to do this. If the blades of your scissors are no longer sharp, you can pinch the capillaries through which your roses drink, preventing them from drinking. Use a clean vase with fresh water and your flower food and enjoy your bouquet of roses!

Pink roses
There are, of course, many more pink roses in our range. What distinguishes the Hermosa rose from other pink roses is the shape of the rose petals and the firmness of the rose petals. The rose petals of the Hermosa rose are relatively firm and are less prone to damage, making them last longer. The Hermosa rose is given when you are grateful or share happiness with someone. Every colour has a meaning, as does the pink rose!